What are Standard actions?

What are Standard actions?

A standard action is an action that is frequently used for action tracking and management of change. You can specify whether an action is repeatable. The action can then be used multiple times in a checklist of actions.

What are the types of custom actions?

In this article

Basic custom action type Type
Custom Action Type 1DLL file stored in a Binary table stream. 1
Custom Action Type 2EXE file stored in a Binary table stream. 2
Custom Action Type 5JScript file stored in a Binary table stream. 5
Custom Action Type 6VBScript file stored in a Binary table stream. 6

What are custom actions?

Custom actions are actions entirely defined by the user. They can be executable files, dynamic linked libraries, Visual Basic scripts or JavaScript files. They can be scheduled at any time during the installation.

What is Standard Action in MSI?

A Windows Installer installation process is run as a sequence of events, called Standard Actions. In between them, you can schedule your own custom actions. The standard actions used by Advanced Installer can be revealed using the “Show Standard Action” button on the toolbar of the “Custom Actions” page.

What are custom actions in MSI?

The custom actions are the actions that can be performed together with the MSI package install and/or uninstall process. They can be used, for example, to prepare the system for the installations, to check prerequisites, to start the application on installation completion, etc.

What are standard actions in JSP?

JSP actions are special XML tags that control the behavior of the servlet engine. JSP actions allow you to insert a file dynamically, reuse external JavaBean components, forward the request to the other page and generate HTML for Java Applet Plugin.

What is custom actions in application packaging?

What is custom action in InstallShield?

InstallShield supports the use of custom actions to run InstallScript, VBScript, or JavaScript code; call DLL functions; run executable files; call a managed method in a managed assembly; set a property or a directory; trigger an error and end the installation; run PowerShell scripts; terminate a process; or run other …

Where do custom action execute?

A deferred execution custom action must be scheduled in the execute sequence table within the section that performs script generation. Deferred execution custom actions must come after InstallInitialize and come before InstallFinalize in the action sequence.

How many sequences are there in an MSI?

There are three main sequences into which you can insert your dialogs (in Basic MSI, MSI Database, and Transform projects) and custom actions. Each of these sequences plays a different role. The Installation sequence is run during a normal installation.

What is custom action in Salesforce?

Custom actions are buttons that sales reps can click to perform an action in the quote line editor, configurator, or several other detail pages. For example, sales reps can select to show a filtered section of your price book or to direct users to an internal or external URL.

What are custom tags in JSP?

A custom tag is a user-defined JSP language element. When a JSP page containing a custom tag is translated into a servlet, the tag is converted to operations on a tag handler. The web container then invokes those operations when the JSP page’s servlet is executed. Custom tags have a rich set of features.

What are the conditions for custom actions in MSI?

Custom Action Conditions in MSI. Some of the below conditions mostly help you while restricting your custom actions to run. Action run only during Install. Condition: NOT Installed AND NOT PATCH. Action only runs during removal of MSI. Condition: REMOVE. Action runs during Install and repair. Condition: NOT REMOVE.

What is a custom action?

It seems we should be thinking of the custom actions as of the “functions”. Those functions can be defined as a mix of workflow steps and plugins – we can pass input parameters into the custom action and retrieve output parameters from the custom action.

Why do we prefer custom actions?

The way I see it, there are a few reasons why we may prefer custom actions: 1. They are business logic modules that do not have triggers – we can trigger them when we need to A workflow will trigger in response to some event. A plugin will run in response to a message.

Is there a custom action if there are no steps?

NO STEPS HAVE BEEN ADDED. Here is another one: This seems to be not that unusual at all for the out of the box custom actions. Why is there a custom action, then, if there are no steps? The answer comes in the form of the Sdk Message Processing Step:

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