How does SphygmoCor work?
SphygmoCor utilizes a traditional blood pressure cuff to measure brachial blood pressure and also the shape of the pulse waveform in the upper arm. The device uses proprietary software to apply a validated process that transforms the waveform and pressure measured at the arm to the waveform and pressure at the heart.
How does pulse wave analysis work?
Pulse wave analysis (PWA) is a technique that allows the accurate recording of peripheral pressure waveforms and generation of the corresponding central waveform, from which the augmentation index and central pressure can be derived.
How do you calculate pulse wave velocity?
In clinical practice, PWV is most commonly calculated as PWV=ΔL/ΔT, with ΔL the distance between 2 measuring sites, and ΔT the time it takes for the arterial pulse to travel from the proximal to the distal measuring site.
What is augmentation index?
Augmentation index (AIx) is a measure of systemic arterial stiffness derived from the ascending aortic pressure waveform.
What is a normal pulse wave?
Conclusion: In elderly individuals of 60-75 years, an AoPWV value below 10 m/s, measured with the PulsePen device, can be considered as a normal value. Values of 10-13 m/s can be considered as ‘high normal’ or ‘borderline’, whereas an AoPWV above 13 m/s is frankly elevated.
What is pulse wave in ECG?
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurements are commonly used to evaluate a patient’s arterial stiffness, an indicator of cardiovascular dysfunction. PWV is usually calculated by measuring the pulse transit time (PTT) over a known distance through the arteries.
What is the velocity of the wave pulse?
4 to 10 metres per second
The pulse wave in man travels in the arteries at a speed of 4 to 10 metres per second. Its velocity depends, to a small degree, on the velocity of the blood in the artery considered, but chiefly upon the elastic condition of the arterial wall, which is affected by a variety of factors in health and disease.
What is a normal pulse wave velocity?
What is augmented blood pressure?
The augmentation pressure (AG) is the measure of contribution that the wave reflection makes to the systolic arterial pressure, and it is obtained by measuring the reflected wave coming from the periphery to the centre.
What is the normal pulse pressure?
A normal pulse pressure range is between 40 and 60 mm Hg. A pulse pressure reading is considered low when it’s less than 40 mm Hg. Low pulse pressure can indicate decreased cardiac output. It’s often observed in people with heart failure.
What does a high pulse wave velocity mean?
Elevated Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity, a Marker of Arterial Stiffness, Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Well-Functioning Older Adults | Circulation.
How to download and install atcor calibration kit software?
Download 1- Open the ATCOR Medical website and navigate to the Download Portal. 2- Enter the required User information to access the Download Portal. 3- Select and download the Calibration Kit Software zip file. 4- Right click on the zip file and extract the files. Installation
Are the models and manuals of atcor medical devices subject to change?
However, succeeding models and manuals are subject to change without notice. AtCor Medical assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies between the product and the manual.
What is the liability of atcor medical?
AtCor Medical assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies between the product and the manual. This Manual is produced on the assumption that the operator is an experienced user of Windows 7, 8, or 10 Operating Systems.
What is SphygmoCor ® Xcel?
The SphygmoCor ® XCEL System derives the central aortic pressure waveform using a blood pressure cuff. The procedure can be conducted in the office setting and is easy to perform, painless, and reproducible.