How long does it take for the gel to induce labour?
Prostaglandin is a gel or tablet that is inserted into your vagina to soften the cervix and help prepare it for the next stage of labour. When prostaglandin is in place, you will need to lie down for at least 30 minutes and remain in the hospital usually until labour begins.
How effective is the gel for induction?
Some women may spontaneously break their waters and proceed to get into labour. This is great and we will continue to monitor you and your baby, making sure you are both fine. Less than 0.5% of women respond to the Prostaglandin gel very strongly and have contractions that occur too frequently.
Is gel induction painful?
Risks: Some women find their vagina is sore after the prostaglandin gel, or they might experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. These side effects are rare and there is no evidence that induction using prostaglandin is any more painful than a natural labour.
How do they insert the gel for induction?
Prostaglandin gel This gel is administered to the cervix through a syringe placed in the vagina. The drug helps the cervix dilate so that the birth canal can form. The contractions should begin slowly, and you may be able to go back home for a few hours after the gel has been put in place.
What happens after gel induction?
The contractions should begin slowly, and you may be able to go back home for a few hours after the gel has been put in place. In some women, prostaglandin gel alone can be enough to stimulate the cervix to open. In other women, a drug called oxytocin must be added to get the contractions started.
Will the gel start my labour?
the gel may start your labour but you may still require other methods of induction, such as an ARM and/or a Syntocinon infusion. What do I need to know? A ‘gel’ induction can be a lengthy process, sometimes one to two days.
How do they induce labor with prostaglandin gel?
If neither the prostaglandin gels nor the stripping or rupturing of the membranes has brought on regular contractions within a couple of hours, your practitioner will slowly give you the medication Pitocin (a synthetic form of the naturally-occurring hormone oxytocin) via an IV to induce or augment contractions.
How do you induce labour with a tablet?
Contractions can be started by inserting a tablet (pessary) or gel into your vagina. Induction of labour may take a while, particularly if the cervix (the neck of the uterus) needs to be softened with pessaries or gels. If you have a vaginal tablet or gel, you may be allowed to go home while you wait for it to work.
How long does a gel induction take?
A ‘gel’ induction can be a lengthy process, sometimes one to two days. If the process is started in the evening, you will need to rest while the gel is working. Your support person is advised to go home as there are no facilities to accommodate them overnight.