How do I find the right train routes in Italy?
Consult our rail map to find the right combination of train routes to build your itinerary. Depending on your journey, Italy offers high-speed trains that connect small towns and larger cities, and slower regional trains that traverse This map is just an overview of Italy’s rail offerings. New lines are being built all the time.
Where can I find a Trenord regional railways map for Milan?
Moovit has an easy-to-download Trenord Regional Railways Map, that serves as your offline Milan and Lombardy Train map while traveling. This map can be saved in your phone and it’s easy to share with friends.
What time do the trains run in Lombardia?
The trains run approximately from 5.30 to 22.30. The RE Lines are 11 lines, 415 runs on weekdays, moving about 165,000 passengers per day. * The Regional and RegioExpress Lines, as well as some S [Suburban] Lines, insist in sections or for their entire length on 40 routes with which the Lombardia railway network has been divided.
How many routes does the Lombardia railway network have?
* The Regional and RegioExpress Lines, as well as some S Lines, insist in sections or for their entire length on 40 routes with which the Lombardia railway network has been divided. The “Route” column shows the number of the “main” route of each Line.
How do I find train services in Tuscany?
If you are visiting a particular region, such as Tuscany, it will have its own train map that will highlight the train services that run between major cities as well as smaller towns. The map should also include bus routes for areas that are not accessible by train.
What are the different types of trains in Italy?
Depending on your journey, Italy offers high-speed Frecce lines, trains that connect small towns and larger cities, and slower Regional trains that traverse This map is just an overview of Italy’s rail offerings. New lines are being built all the time.
What do the blue and green lines on the Trenitalia MAP Mean?
On the Trenitalia map, the blue lines indicate high-speed trains and the light green denotes regional trains. The high-speed trains travel from large cities to smaller ones, and the regional trains visit even smaller towns and villages.