Are the standards of Learning (SOL) being used in Virginia?

Are the standards of Learning (SOL) being used in Virginia?

See Staff Contacts. The following released tests are based on previous versions of the Standards of Learning (SOL) that are no longer being used in the Virginia public schools except in situations where students may still be taking previous grade 8 or End of Course SOL tests to meet graduation requirements associated with prior coursework.

What does a score of 15 333 mean on the Sol?

15 333more means the student 16 337passed the SOL test, while 17 342a scaled score of 399 or 18 346less means the student did 19 351not pass the test. A scaled 20 355score of 500 or more

What is the total scaled score for the SOL test?

7 286A total raw score(left 8 294column) is converted to a 9 300total scaled score(right 10 307column). The total scaled 11 312score may range from 0 to 12 318600. 13 323 14 328A scaled score of 400 or 15 333more means the student 16 337passed the SOL test, while 17 342a scaled score of 399 or 18 346less means the student did

Are there any SOL tests that are no longer being used?

The following released tests are based on previous versions of the Standards of Learning (SOL) that are no longer being used in the Virginia public schools except in situations where students may still be taking previous grade 8 or End of Course SOL tests to meet graduation requirements associated with prior coursework.

Why are test item sets being provided for some Sol courses?

Test item sets rather than full released tests are being provided for some SOL courses since the test item bank for those courses cannot support a full release. Raw score to scaled score tables cannot be provided for the test item sets because they do not represent full test forms.

Where do I send grade 8 reading materials in Virginia?

GRADE 8 READING Property of the Virginia Department of Education Copyright ©2015 by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120. All rights reserved.

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