What is unclassified controlled technical information?

What is unclassified controlled technical information?

– Unclassified Controlled Technical Information: Unclassified technical information with military or space application that is subject to controls on the access, use, reproduction, modification, performance, display, release, disclosure, or dissemination.

Who is responsible for properly identifying and labeling covered Defense Information CDI and controlled unclassified information CUI )?

The DoD requiring activity is responsible for identifying covered defense information (CDI) in accordance with DoD procedures for identification and protection of controlled unclassified information found in DoDM 5200.01 Vol 4, DoD Information Security Program: Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

How does Dfars 252.204-7012 apply to DoD acquisition systems?

DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting, requires contractors to provide “adequate security” for covered defense information that is processed, stored, or transmitted on the contractor’s internal information system or network.

What are examples of controlled unclassified information?

What are examples of CUI?

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII)
  • Proprietary Business Information (PBI) or currently known within EPA as Confidential Business Information (CBI)
  • Unclassified Controlled Technical Information (UCTI)
  • Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU)

What are the two types of controlled unclassified information?

You may have seen or used some of these in the past: Unclassified Controlled Technical Information (UCTI), Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU), For Official Use Only (FOUO), Law Enforcement Sensitive (LES), etc. These are now all rolled up into the classification of CUI content.

What is the difference between Cui and CTI?

CUI is an umbrella term that encompasses all CDI and Controlled Technical Information (CTI). These three markings are given to unclassified content that must be protected in a very specific manner both within and outside a government information system.

What is the difference between unclassified and CUI?

“Unclassified” when not used in a marking, indicates that the information being referred to is not classified, but does not indicate whether or not the information is controlled (CUI) or not.

What is controlled defense information?

CDI is: Information given to the contractor by, or on behalf of, the DoD for a reason related to performing the stipulations of the contract, OR. Information collected, developed, received, transmitted, used or stored by, or on behalf of, the contractor for reasons related to performing the terms of the contract.

What are the two types of Controlled Unclassified Information?

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