What poetic devices are used in Sonnet 130?

What poetic devices are used in Sonnet 130?

The most notable poetic device is antithesis, the use of opposites, as the poet breaks his mistress into body parts that are negatives of praise: “nothing like the sun,” “coral is much more red,” “her breasts are dun” and “black wires spring from her head.” The device fragments the mistress.

Does Sonnet 130 have iambic pentameter?

The metre used in Sonnet 130 is an iambic pentameter. As well as the external form of Sonnet 130, it is typical for the traditional English love sonnet.

What is the rhyme scheme of these line from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130?

The sonnet is in the English (or “Shakespearean”) form, i.e. its rhyme scheme is ababcdcdefefgg . This alternating rhyme scheme marks out the three quatrains and then the ending couplet.

How does Sonnet 130 use imagery?

William Shakespeare introduces the reader to a person who is being described as the key of one’s heart, in a criticizing society. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 conveys a need to revolt against society beauty norms in order to free oneself from pressuring traditional views of attractiveness.

What are the metaphors in Sonnet 130?

“If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white.” Metaphor: It is used to compare an object or a person with something else to make meanings clear.

How is Sonnet 130 structure?

Sonnet 130 follows the rhyme scheme ABABCDCDEFEFGG. The first twelve lines rhyme in alternating pairs. They are devoted to the main idea of the poem, with the poet talking of his mistress in less than complimentary terms. These lines list the different things that you can praise about somebody.

Is there personification in Sonnet 130?

In sonnet 130, Shakespeare uses one simile, one litotes, one metaphor, and one personification, as figurative language in this sonnet and also uses eight imagery such as four visual imagery, two olfactory imagery, one auditory imagery and one kinesthetic imagery.

What is the imagery in Sonnet 130?

How does Shakespeare use structure in Sonnet 130?

Is sonnet a poetic device?

The Importance of Using Sonnets. Sonnets are a classic poetic form which has been adopted across languages and around the world. Although free verse has popularized poetry free of form, rhyme, or syllabic constraints, the sonnet still remains a popular form in its own right.

What is the diction of Sonnet 130?

In the first two quatrains of the poem,Shakespeare uses a reflective tone of negative diction to the positive diction comparison of inanimate objects. For example “If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.”(lines 1-3) Another example is “If snow be white , why then her breasts are dun.”

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