What is Erythraemia?

What is Erythraemia?

[ ĕr′ə-thrē′mē-ə ] n. A chronic form of polycythemia of unknown cause, characterized by an increase in blood volume and red blood cells, bone marrow hyperplasia, redness or cyanosis of the skin, and enlargement of the spleen.

Is Erythemic a word?

Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection. er′y·them′a·tous (-thĕm′ə-təs, -thē′mə-), er′y·the·mat′ic (-măt′ĭk), er′y·the′mic adj.

What is a Erythrocytopenia?

/ (ɪˌrɪθrəʊˈpiːnɪə) / noun. the presence of decreased numbers of erythrocytes in the blood, as occurs in some forms of anaemiaAlso called: erythrocytopenia.

What is erythematous exudative?

Erythematous means redness. So, having erythematous mucosa means the inner lining of your digestive tract is red. Erythematous mucosa isn’t a disease. It’s a sign that an underlying condition or irritation has caused inflammation, which has increased blood flow to the mucosa and made it red.

How do you spell Tachypneic?

Tachypneic comes from tachypnea, which is a combination of tachy-, meaning “swift or rapid” (used in words like tachycardia), and –pnea, meaning “breathing” or “respiration.” The first record of tachypneic comes from the late 1800s.

What is Erythrocythemia?

Secondary polycythemia, also known as secondary erythrocytosis or secondary erythrocythemia, is a rare condition in which your body produces an excess amount of red blood cells. This overproduction of red blood cells thickens your blood.

What causes Erythrocytopenia?

Anemia. Acute infection, particularly viral infection, can produce transient bone marrow aplasia or selective transient erythrocytopenia. Chronic infection is associated with the anemia of inflammation. Many viral and bacterial illnesses may be associated with hemolysis.

Is erythrocytosis serious?

Primary erythrocytosis can be a harmless disorder caused by a genetic trait that is passed down in families. If you only have too many red blood cells without having too many white blood cells or platelets, and you don’t have secondary erythrocytosis, this may be why.

What are the symptoms of erythrocytosis?

Signs and symptoms of familial erythrocytosis can include headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath. The excess red blood cells also increase the risk of developing abnormal blood clots that can block the flow of blood through arteries and veins.

What is Pangastritis?

Pangastritis is the most common type of chronic gastritis. It affects the entire stomach lining, including both the antral and oxyntic mucosa of the antrum (lower portion of the stomach) and fundus (upper portion of the stomach), respectively.

What is erythema and friability?

Unfamiliar terms. In the report, my gastroenterologist repeatedly used three terms to describe my intestinal mucosa: erythema, granularity, and friability. Erythema and granularity describe the appearance of the lining. Friability explains the condition.

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