How do I get alert messages after redirecting a page?

How do I get alert messages after redirecting a page?

For displaying alert message after redirection you may use Session or QueryString and on page Load check if the Session or QueryString is not empty then display alert message.

How do I show alert before response redirect?

RegisterStartupScript(this, this. GetType(), “alert”, ” alert(‘User details saved sucessfully’);window. open(‘frmDisplayUsers. aspx’);”, true);

How do you add a link to an alert message?

You can’t put clickable URLs in a standard alert() box. Instead you could use a “lightbox”, which is an HTML popup – there are any number of them available, and you should choose one that fits well with the rest of your site/applicaiton.

Can you redirect with JavaScript?

JavaScript has the APIs that allow you to redirect to a new URL or page. However, JavaScript redirection runs entirely on the client side. Therefore it doesn’t return the status code 301 (move permanently) like a server redirection.

How do you add a link in JavaScript?

How to create a link in JavaScript? // Create anchor element. var a = document….Approach:

  1. Create an anchor element.
  2. Create a text node with some text which will display as a link.
  3. Append the text node to the anchor element.
  4. Set the title and href property of the element.
  5. Append element in the body.

How do you redirect a page in Java?


  1. sendRedirect() accepts the respective URL to which the request is to be redirected.
  2. Can redirect the request to another resource like Servlet, HTML page, or JSP page that are inside or outside the server.
  3. It works on the HTTP response object and always sends a new request for the object.

How do you link text in JavaScript?

How to create a link in JavaScript?

  1. Create an anchor element.
  2. Create a text node with some text which will display as a link.
  3. Append the text node to the anchor element.
  4. Set the title and href property of the element.
  5. Append element in the body.

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