Where can I find scholarly sources?

Where can I find scholarly sources?

Finding Scholarly Articles

  • Look for publications from a professional organization.
  • Use databases such as JSTOR that contain only scholarly sources.
  • Use databases such as Academic Search Complete or other EBSCO databases that allow you to choose “peer-reviewed journals”.

What are the important characteristics of scholarly resources?

Characteristics of Scholarly Articles and Journals

  • Often have a formal appearance with tables, graphs, and diagrams.
  • Always have an abstract or summary paragraph above the text; may have sections decribing methodology.
  • Articles are written by an authority or expert in the field.

How do you write a geography introduction?

Writing reports or essays for Geography 360

  1. Introduction: Explicitly state the research question. Introduce the project by stating its purpose or posing the geographic question you plan to answer.
  2. What you did and why you did it.
  3. Some answers to the questions raised in the introduction.
  4. What were the limitations of the project?
  5. Summary and Conclusion.

What is scholarly writing essay?

True scholarly writing (writing for an audience of scholars) is much different from generic essay-writing, especially “research paper” writing. In the former, you have discovered, through your research and thinking, new knowledge or insight and now want to convey it to an interested audience of fellow scholars.

What is the geography of a country?

Geography (from Greek: γεωγραφία, geographia, literally “earth description”) is the study of earth and its people. Its features are things like continents, seas, rivers and mountains. Its inhabitants are all the people and animals that live on it.

What are some scholarly websites?

15 Scholarly search engines every student should bookmark

  • Google Scholar. Google Scholar was created as a tool to congregate scholarly literature on the web.
  • Google Books.
  • Microsoft Academic.
  • WorldWideScience.
  • Science.gov.
  • Wolfram Alpha.
  • Refseek.
  • Educational Resources Information Center.

Are .gov websites scholarly?

Mar 17, Government documents and government websites are generally considered authoritative, credible sources of information. Many are scholarly, and some are even peer-reviewed! But, not all gov docs are scholarly or peer-reviewed.

What are the three characteristics of a scholarly article?

Characteristics of Scholarly Sources

  • Have a serious appearance.
  • The words “Journal,” “Transactions,” “Proceedings,” or “Quarterly,” may appear in the title.
  • Written for professors, students or researchers.
  • Signed by the authors.
  • Articles are reviewed by a board of experts or “peer reviewers.”

How do you improve scholarly writing?

Nine Basic Ways to Improve Your Style in Academic Writing

  1. Use ACTIVE VOICE. Don’t say: “The stepmother’s house was cleaned by Cinderella.” (Passive.)
  2. Mix it up in terms of PUNCTUATION.
  4. Closely related to this, avoid CHOPPINESS.
  5. Avoid REPETITION.
  6. Be CONCISE.
  7. Use the VOCABULARY that you know.
  8. But also work on expanding your VOCABULARY.

How does geography affect the way we live?

Geography doesn’t just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people’s lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. As humans have migrated across the planet, they have had to adapt to all the changing conditions they were exposed to.

What are considered popular sources?

Examples include general news, business and entertainment publications such as Time Magazine, Business Weekly, Vanity Fair. Note, special interest publications which are not specifically written for an academic audience are also considered “popular” i.e., National Geographic, Scientific American, Psychology Today.

What is scholarly information?

Scholarly information is written by an expert in the field, for people who are also experts in that field, and is an authoritative source of information. Scholarly articles are generally published in journals, and often go through a formal peer review process.

What classifies as a scholarly article?

Scholarly articles are sometimes referred to as “peer-reviewed” or “refereed” because they are typically evaluated by other scholars before being accepted for publication. A scholarly article is commonly a study or a literature review, and usually longer than a magazine article.

What is the difference between a popular and a scholarly source?

Popular sources are useful for getting ideas for a topic or for background and anecdotal information. Typically, however, you should support your arguments by citing scholarly articles, which contain original research written by experts and do not contain glossy pages or advertisements.

What is the main objective of scholarly writing?


What is an example of scholarly writing?

Book reports are an excellent example of scholarly writing. And the reason is that that’s something children are taught in school from an early age. Even in elementary schools, kids are required to write a short report on a book assigned or read on their own.

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