Who is Bram Moolenaar?
We caught up with Bram Moolenaar, creator of the text editor, to ask him about what he’s learned building it over the past two decades, his thoughts on NeoVim and more. In addition, we posed some questions suggested by the Vim hive mind on Reddit.
What is in the Vim reference manual?
The Reference manual Precise description of how everything in Vim works. The notation used in these manuals is explained here: |notation|JUMPING AROUND The text contains hyperlinks between the two parts, allowing you to quickly jump between the description of an editing task and a precise explanation of the commands and options used for it.
Who is the author of Vim?
Bram Moolenaar is the main author of Vim. Many other people help improving Vim by sending patches, doing ports and giving comments. If you like Vim, consider sponsoring Vim.
What are the two basic modes in Vim?
The two basic modes are called Normal mode and Insert mode. In Normal mode the characters you type are commands. In Insert mode the characters are inserted as text. Since you have just started Vim it will be in Normal mode. To start Insert mode you type the “i” command (i for Insert). Then you can enter the text. It will be inserted into the file.
The logo of the Vim text editor Bram Moolenaar (born 1961, Lisse) is a Dutch computer programmer and an active member of the open-source software community. He is the original author, maintainer, release manager, and benevolent dictator for life of Vim, a vi -derivative text editor that is very popular among programmers and power users.
Who is Paul Moolenaar?
He is the original author, maintainer, release manager, and benevolent dictator for life of Vim, a vi -derivative text editor that is very popular among programmers and power users. Since July 2006, until September 2021 Moolenaar was employed by Google, working in the Zürich office. He was able to spend part of his time maintaining Vim.
What is a Moolenaar?
Moolenaar is a name that originates in Holland. It is a profession: A person that operates a mill, usually a windmill. In Holland there used to be many windmills. They were used to pump the water from the polders, grind flour, saw wood, etc. Only few of them remain now, but the name Moolenaar can be found all around the world.