What does CLASS Teachstone mean?

What does CLASS Teachstone mean?

CLassroom Assessment Scoring System
What is involved with CLASS observations • CLASS stands for CLassroom Assessment Scoring System. • CLASS is a research-based method of measuring, evaluating, and improving teacher-student interactions. CLASS enables high quality interactions which lead to improved academic and social-emotional outcomes for students.

What are the CLASS domains?

CLASS® includes three domains or categories of teacher-child interactions that support children’s learning and development: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. Within each domain are dimensions that capture more specific details about teachers’ interactions with children.

What are the dimensions under emotional support?

Emotion Support has four dimensions: Positive Climate. Negative Climate. Teacher Sensitivity.

What is the Classroom Assessment Scoring System?

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System™ (CLASS™) is an observational instrument developed at the School Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning to assess classroom quality in PK-12 classrooms.

What are class observations?

By: Torsh. A classroom observation is an act of watching a teacher’s performance in their classroom or learning environment. Classroom observations are a quantitative way of recording and measuring teacher behavior and mastery by systematically watching and recording them in action.

How long is a class observation?

about 2 hours
Q: How long do CLASS observations last? A: Observations in a single-age classroom will last about 2 hours, capturing interactions across a variety of classroom experiences.

What are the 3 class domains?

The CLASS is organized to assess three broad domains of interactions among teachers and children: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support.

What are the four domains of teacher child interaction?

Each domain of the Teaching Through Interactions framework—emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support—is known to be an important aspect of classroom interaction (Hamre et al., 2013), and results will therefore be separately discussed for each of these domains.

What are the class domains and dimensions?

Pre-‐K Research revealed that pre-‐K classroom interactions fall into one of three domains: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. These are further divided into ten dimensions. (Pianta, LaParo, Hamre.

What does it mean to use your class lens?

The class lens examines the differing representations and contextualization of people based on socio-economic classes. It explores the power relationships among the classes, and who benefits the most from them in society.

What is a good CLASS observation score?

High scores (6-7) are assigned when the classroom interactions were highly characteristic of a dimension during the observation. High-range behaviors are those that are meaningful, consistent, sustained, and reflective of everyone’s experience in the classroom.

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