What should a teenager put on their resume?

What should a teenager put on their resume?

At a bare minimum, your resume should include your contact information along with your experience and education. Beyond that, most sections are optional—you can include a skills section or objective, but it’s not required. Highlight academic accomplishments. As a student, a lot of your experiences are in the classroom.

What should a 15 year old put on a resume?

A resume for a 15-year-old should focus on skills and abilities instead of experience. Open a word processing software on your computer such as Microsoft Word to create your resume.

Do 14 year olds need a resume?

What should a 14-year-old put on a resume? A 14-year-old should put the relevant skills, education, contact details, volunteer experience, and others on a resume. You can check our resumes template to write one and our sample resumes and cover letters.

How does a 14-year-old resume with no experience?

How to write a resume for a teenager

  1. Read the job description thoroughly.
  2. Provide contact details.
  3. Include an objective statement.
  4. Add relevant sections.
  5. Provide facts and figures where possible.
  6. Edit and proofread your resume.
  7. Example resume for 14-year-old with no work experience.

What should a 14-year-old put on a resume?

What should a 14 year old put on a resume?

Should I have a resume at 16?

Submitting a CV shows maturity, organization and determination. Students typically don’t realize that they have ample information for a CV even with a limited work history. For instance, a 16-year-old’s resume can include volunteering, hobbies, school activities, academic honors and relevant course work.

What can a 14-year-old put on a resume?

What to put on a teen resume?

Communication. Communication is a skill that refers to your ability to both convey information to others and to listen.

  • Dependability/Responsible. Employers seek teenagers who are mature and whom they can rely on to show up on time and get the job done.
  • Quick Learner.
  • Teamwork.
  • Technology.
  • How to write resume for teenagers 1st job?


  • Positive attitude
  • Friendly manner
  • Problem-solving
  • Strong work ethic
  • Working in a team
  • Independence
  • Time management
  • Decision making
  • Do teenagers need a resume for their first job?

    They’re probably feeling excited at the prospect of earning their own money, being a bit more independent, and making new friends. But first thing’s first: if they want to get a job, they’ll need a resume. Writing a resume for your teen (or helping them write their own) might sound simple… after all, there’s not a lot to write about yet.

    How does a teenager or tween fill out a resume?

    Find two references. References are a great thing to include on a resume for a teenager.

  • Emphasize your work ethic. If your experience is limited,there are ways to emphasis your work ethic anyway.
  • Use proper grammar,spelling,and punctuation. A good resume should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Tailor your resume for different jobs.
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