Why did the pope step down in 2013?
The pontiff cited advanced age as the reason behind his shocking move in February 2013, though his decision may have been aided by the difficulties of bringing the Church into the 21st century.
Who was the pope in the 13th-century?
Gregory IX, original name Ugo, or Ugolino, Di Segni, (born before 1170—died Aug. 22, 1241, Rome), one of the most vigorous of the 13th-century popes (reigned 1227–41), a canon lawyer, theologian, defender of papal prerogatives, and founder of the papal Inquisition.
What authority did popes have that kings did not have?
What authority did popes have that kings did not have? Popes have full, supreme, and universal power over the whole church.
Why was the Pope so powerful in medieval times?
During the early medieval times, his position was higher than any rulers of Europe. The Pope had a lot of power because medieval people were highly religious. Medieval Popes were considered to be God’s messengers on earth. Once the Pope was elected he would serve as a pope until the day he dies.
What is the prophecy of the popes?
The Prophecy of the Popes (Latin: Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus) is a series of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which purport to predict the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few antipopes), beginning with Pope Celestine II.
What do Catholic prophecy and Bible prophecy agree on?
Learn the surprising details that both Catholic and Bible prophecy agree on about the last pope’s evil reign. Pope Francis has replaced Pope Benedict XVI. You might think that a transition of popes would be of no interest to those watching for solid signs of the Apocalypse.
What is the origin of the prophecy of the Apocalypse?
One theory to explain the prophecy’s creation, put forward by 17th-century French priest and encyclopaedist Louis Moréri, among others, is that it was spread by supporters of Cardinal Girolamo Simoncelli in support of his bid to become pope during the 1590 conclave to replace Urban VII.
Is Malachy’s final Pope prophecy proven wrong?
If another pope appears after Pope Francis, then we can say the prophecy is proven wrong.) Even for people with only a cursory knowledge of end time Bible prophecy, the parallels between Malachy’s final pope prophecy above and Bible prophecy are obvious: