Can we do bubble sort one loop?

Can we do bubble sort one loop?

You need to iterate multiple times in order to achieve the sorting. it didn’t work by your solution not giving the correct output. I didnt have time to test it, but I posted it as an example of how to do it with one loop. The key concept is not to exit the loop until no changes have been made to it.

How does bubble sort use loops?

The Bubble Sort algorithm utilizes two loops: an outer loop to iterate over each element in the input list, and an inner loop to iterate, compare and exchange a pair of values in the list. The inner loop takes (N-1) iterations while the outer loop takes N iterations.

How do you sort an array with bubble sort in C++?

Working of Bubble Sort

  1. Starting from the first index, compare the first and the second elements.
  2. If the first element is greater than the second element, they are swapped.
  3. Now, compare the second and the third elements. Swap them if they are not in order.
  4. The above process goes on until the last element.

How do you solve a bubble sort?

Implementing Bubble Sort Algorithm

  1. Starting with the first element(index = 0), compare the current element with the next element of the array.
  2. If the current element is greater than the next element of the array, swap them.
  3. If the current element is less than the next element, move to the next element. Repeat Step 1.

How do you sort a list in a loop?


  1. STEP 1: Declare and initialize an array.
  2. STEP 2: Loop through the array and select an element.
  3. STEP 3: The inner loop will be used to compare the selected element from the outer loop with the rest of the elements of the array.
  4. STEP 4: If any element is less than the selected element then swap the values.

Why does bubble sort need two loops?

The first loop (outer) makes sure it traverses the entire array n times (n = number of elements in the array). The second loop (inner) makes sure it swaps numbers in each traversal. There are several variants of bubble sort.

Why does bubble sort have two for loops?

The second loop is basically there to decrease the comparison (Number of elements – pass – 1), after each iteration, since with each pass, we place the largest element to the right side (of the logically unsorted list).

How do you solve a bubble sort example?

Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order. Example: First Pass: ( 5 1 4 2 8 ) –> ( 1 5 4 2 8 ), Here, algorithm compares the first two elements, and swaps since 5 > 1.

How to do bubble sort in C with for loop?

This C program for bubble sort uses the Nested For Loop to sort the One Dimensional Array elements in ascending order. Here, For Loop will make sure that the number is between 0 and maximum size value of One Dimensional Array. Condition inside the For Loop is True.

What is the basic bubble sort algorithm?

The basic bubble sort algorithm can be explained as follows: for i <- 1 to indexOfLastUnsortedElement-1 This algorithm does the swapping of elements to get the final output in the desired order.

How to bubble sort one dimensional array in C?

This C program for bubble sort uses the Nested For Loop to sort the One Dimensional Array elements in ascending order. Here, For Loop will make sure that the number is between 0 and maximum size value of One Dimensional Array.

What is Big O notation for bubble sort?

Big O notation specifies that how much space is required by an algorithm for program’s input. Big O notation is also known as Bachmann-Landau notation. For Bubble sort algorithm, Big O is n^2 which is written as O(n^2) in worst and average case. This means in bubble sort, both inner and outer loop iterated n times.

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