How do you control Rhizoctonia solani?

How do you control Rhizoctonia solani?

How To Control Rhizoctonia

  1. Since Rhizoctonia is a soilborne disease, do not reuse growing medium from infected plants.
  2. Remove diseased plants and plant residues from the growing area.
  3. Use brand new containers.
  4. Avoid contact with soil as it often is a source of Rhizoctonia.

What causes Rhizoctonia solani?

Spread: This is a soil borne pathogen, it persists in soil as mycelium and sclerotia (small, brown, long-term survival structures). The disease is spread by the movement of contaminated soil, plant material, tools and equipment.

What is parasite Rhizoctonia solani?

Rhizoctonia solani Kiihn, an important soil-inhabiting facultative parasite, has an extremely wide host range. More than 200 species of flowering plants are host to this fungus (10) but little is known regard- ing the capacity of R. solani to parasitize organisms other than seed plants.

What does Rhizoctonia solani do to plants?

R. solani is best known to cause various plant diseases such as collar rot, root rot, damping off, and wire stem. R. solani attacks its hosts when they are in their early stages of development, such as seeds and seedlings, which are typically found in the soil.

What are the so called anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia solani?

solani is a species complex of several anastomosis groups (AGs) based on the hyphal fusion of isolates which differ in genotypic and phenotypic characters13. To date, thirteen AGs designated as AG1–AG13 and AG-BI have been assigned on the basis of hyphal anastomosis interactions14,15. Although AGs of R.

What plants are affected by Rhizoctonia?

Rhizoctonia solani (a soilborne fungus). This fungus has a wide host range that may include soybean, corn, alfalfa, and other crops; but only some types of this pathogen infect soybean. The most common strains of this pathogen (anastamosis groups also referred to as ‘AG’) that infect soybean are AG-2-2 and AG-4.

What is Rhizoctonia root rot?

Rhizoctonia root and stem rot is a common soybean disease that typically causes most damage to seedlings, but can also damage older plants. It can kill and stunt plants to result in significant yield losses, or the lesions can be superficial and have minimal effects on plant health.

How do you treat fungus Rhizoctonia?


  1. Proper soil pasteurization eliminated Rhizoctonia from the potting mix.
  2. Encourage prompt growth (older plants are more resistant)
  3. Fungicides can be used effectively to manage this fungus. Contact Penn State Extension to obtain information on what fungicides are currently recommended.

What is the common name of Rhizoctonia solani?

Rhizoctonia solani (belly rot)

Is Rhizoctonia a soil borne pathogen?

Rhizoctonia, a soil-borne fungus, is known to cause root rots, stem rots, damping-off and, in some cases, a blight of leaves. The fungus is able to persist in the soil as hyphae and sclerotia.

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