What is Inrec and Outrec in JCL?

What is Inrec and Outrec in JCL?

INREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields before the records are sorted or merged. so that performance will be improved OUTREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields after the records are sorted or merged.

How do you write Outrec in JCL?

You can create the reformatted OUTREC records in one of the following ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields.

  4. IFTHEN clauses:
  5. PARSE:
  6. Example 1: Formating a file(USING OUTREC)
  8. SORT JCL:

What is Inrec build?

INREC Explanation Build gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted INREC records and the order in which they appear. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants.

What is Outrec where we will use it?

The OUTREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records after they are sorted, merged or copied. The OUTREC control statement supports a wide variety of parsing, editing, and reformatting tasks, including: The use of fixed position/length fields or variable position/length fields.

Can we use Outrec and Outfil?

The rules to understand DFSORT processes the OUTFIL statements after the INREC and OUTREC statements. Therefore, OUTFIL must refer to the reformatted records produced by OUTREC if specified, or to the reformatted records produced by INREC if it is specified without OUTREC.

What is Inrec overlay?

INREC OVERLAY operation is used in order to rewrite data in input file before copying to output.

What is Outfil in JCL?

OUTFIL control statements allow you to create one or more output data sets for a sort, copy, or merge application from a single pass over one or more input data sets. You can use multiple OUTFIL statements, with each statement specifying the OUTFIL processing to be performed for one or more output data sets.

What is Outrec?

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