What is the distance between Belfast and Liverpool?
The shortest distance (air line) between Belfast and Liverpool is 145.22 mi (233.70 km). The shortest route between Belfast and Liverpool is 287.37 mi (462.47 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 7h 16min.
How far is Liverpool to Northern Ireland?
182 miles
How far is it from Liverpool to Northern Ireland? The distance between Liverpool and Northern Ireland is 182 miles.
How far is Liverpool from Dublin as the crow flies?
167 miles / 269 km driving. 135 miles / 217 km flying Fly or drive from Dublin to Liverpool.
How do you calculate as the crow flies?
How to measure distance on Android
- Open the Google Maps app.
- Touch and hold anywhere on the map.
- At the bottom, tap the name of the place.
- On the place’s page, scroll down and choose Measure distance.
- Move the map so that the black circle, or crosshairs, is on the next point you want to add.
How long does it take to sail from Belfast to Liverpool?
approximately 8 hours
Travel from Belfast to Liverpool by Ferry The Stena Line ferry from Belfast to Liverpool offers a direct link from Northern Ireland to the heart of England on the Stena Edda and the Stena Embla. The crossing time is approximately 8 hours with a choice of both day and night sailings.
How far is Liverpool from Dublin?
Distance To Liverpool From Dublin is: 134 miles / 215.65 km / 116.44 nautical miles.
How long is the ferry journey from Liverpool to Belfast?
The Stena Line ferry from Liverpool to Belfast offers a twice daily direct link from the heart of England to Northern Ireland on the Stena Edda and the Stena Embla. The crossing time is approximately 8 hours with a choice of both day and night sailings.
Is Liverpool closer to Dublin than London?
Is Liverpool closer to Dublin than London? For all cities with a population greater than five hundred thousand, Liverpool is closest to Birmingham and farthest from Auckland. The closest foreign city is Dublin and the farthest domestic city is London.
What is the distance between Dublin and Liverpool?
Can you do as the crow flies on Google Maps?
Google will now let you fly as the crow does. According to The Atlantic City Lab: “Google Maps this week has updated with a fresh tool. Users can right-click on any location on a map, select ‘measure distance,’ click on another location, and see a line displaying the exact mileage between the two points.
How far can crows fly?
When foraging for food outside winter and breeding season, crows have been reported to fly as far as 40 miles a day. Some crows have even been recorded to fly far than 40 miles a day when in search of food, between their nesting site and their feeding grounds.
Who sails from Belfast to Liverpool?
Stena Line ferry