What is the inburgering exam?

What is the inburgering exam?

The Inburgeringsexamen is designed to ensure migrants to the Netherlands have a basic understanding of the Dutch language and culture. There are five sections with questions concerning Dutch laws and customs: Knowledge of Dutch society. Speaking competence.

What is Inburgeringscursus?

The Knowledge of Dutch Society exam. The Kennis Nederlandse Maatschappij examen (Knowledge of Dutch Society exam), is a multiple choice test on the computer about how people in the Netherlands interact with each other and what the rules are in the Netherlands.

What is difference between inburgering and NT2?

NT2 is ‘Nederlands als Tweede Taal’ or ‘Dutch as a second language. ‘Inburgering’ is ‘integration’. Many people who settle in the Netherlands have to do the ‘inburgeringsexamen’ or ‘Staatsexamen NT2’.

When should you take Inburger?

You have to take the exam before you travel to the Netherlands. The exam must be taken by foreign nationals between the ages of 18 and 65 wishing to remain in the Netherlands if they come from countries whose residents require an authorisation for temporary stay (MVV).

What is inburgering in Netherlands?

The Dutch government wants everyone who lives in the Netherlands to be able to participate in Dutch society. This includes knowing about Dutch culture, speaking the Dutch language and being able to work or study independently.

What is the passing score for inburgering?

a 60% score
Overall you need a 60% score to pass the inburgering exam.

What is Inburgeringsdiploma?

Inburgering: What Is It? Inburgering is the process of civic integration in the Netherlands. Depending on your nationality, there are two stages to Inburgering, each requiring its own exam.

How do I prepare for an Inburger test?

Help! How to pass my inburgering? – Here are the top 10 tips you need to succeed! (part 1)

  1. 1 Inburgeren.nl.
  2. 2 Write short, simple sentences.
  3. 3 Use indefinite proper nouns.
  4. 4 Use the plural as much as possible.
  5. 5 Practice as much as you can.
  6. 6 Buy a dictionary and learn at least 5 words everyday.

How much is an Inburgering exam?


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