Where is SonarQube properties file?

Where is SonarQube properties file?

Inside your “sonarqube-scanner” folder, go to “conf” folder and find “sonar-scanner. properties” file.

How do I set sonar scanner properties?

SonarQube Properties and Parameters

  1. Global analysis parameters, defined in the UI, apply to all the projects (From the top bar, go to Settings > General Settings)
  2. Project analysis parameters, defined in the UI, override global parameters (At a project level, go to Configuration > Settings)

How do I scan C codes in SonarQube?

Analysis Steps Using Compilation Database

  1. Generate the Compilation Database file.
  2. Add the property sonar.cfamily.compile-commands in the sonar-project.properties file at the root of your project.
  3. Execute the SonarScanner ( sonar-scanner ) from the root directory of your project: sonar-scanner.

How do I run a sonar scanner on Windows?

  1. Expand the downloaded file into the directory of your choice.
  2. Update the global settings (server URL) by editing/conf/sonar-scanner.properties:
  3. Create a new SONAR_RUNNER_HOME _environment variable set to _.
  4. Add the _/bin _directory to your path.

How do I find my sonar version?

SonarQube version – Found under System Info at Administration > System. SonarQube edition.

How do I find my sonar host URL?

Project properties, defined in the UI, override global property values (At a project level, go to Project Settings > General Settings)…Server.

Key Description Default
sonar.host.url the server URL http://localhost:9000

How do I run a local sonar scan?

To run SonarScanner from the zip file, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the downloaded file into the directory of your choice.
  2. Add the $install_directory/bin directory to your path.
  3. Verify your installation by opening a new shell and executing the command sonar-scanner -h ( sonar-scanner.bat -h on Windows).

What is Sonar host URL?

sonar.host.url. the server URL. http://localhost:9000.

How do you use sonar exclusions?

To use exclusions to analyze only the specified subset(s) of files in sonar. sources , go to Project Settings > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Files. You can set these properties at both the project and global levels. See the Patterns section below for more details on the syntax to use in these inputs.

What is SonarLint?

SonarLint is a free IDE extension that finds bugs and. vulnerabilities while you code!

How do I add a sonar build wrapper to a project?

In the sonar-project.properties file at the root of your project add the property sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output with the path to the Build Wrapper output directory relative to the project directory ( build_wrapper_output_directory in these examples).

How do I activate the Sonar feature on a single core?

This can be activated by configuring the property sonar.cfamily.threads at the scanner level. Its default value is 1. This feature must not be activated on a machine with only 1 core.

What file type is SonarQube using?

SonarQube is using pom.xml and ignoring sonar-project.properties file Hot Network Questions Drawing line between two points from another CSV in QGIS I don’t talk to my co-workers unless it’s work related. I’m new in the office and all of them are already friends.

Is it possible to run a sonar report for a project?

As it stands, with the default properties file i can run the sonar report and it will generate a review for the whole project Ideally however I would like to separate the two reports so i have one for the original package and one for the appVersion2 package.

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