Why is National Enquirer blocked in UK?

Why is National Enquirer blocked in UK?

In early March 2007, the paper blocked access to its website for British and Irish readers because a story about the actress Cameron Diaz that they had published in 2005 and for which she received an apology had appeared on the site.

What happened to the National Enquirer magazine?

The National Enquirer and A360 Media are owned by hedge fund Chatham Asset Management. A Chatham representative did not immediately reply to a request for comment. A 2019 deal that would have sold the Enquirer to the former head of the airport newsstand company Hudson News was not completed.

Does National Enquirer still exist?

Its circulation consistently plunged year after year. Its revenues, through newsstand sales principally, have likewise plunged, and the journalism, which years ago attracted so much attention, is no longer doing that.” For decades, the Enquirer’s circulation was in the millions.

Is National Enquirer magazine?

With a circulation over 520 thousand subscribers and counting, the New York based publication is owned and operated by American Media Inc.. National Enquirer is one of many top magazines in its category of celebrity gossip and news magazines.

How do tabloids not get sued?

By making vague and questioning statements, they avoid definitive claims claims that can later be labeled as libel. If you’ve ever read the actual cover story of any tabloid magazine, you’re familiar with the story that’s not actually a story at all.

Who owns the National Inquirer?

The National Enquirer and A360 Media are owned by hedge fund Chatham Asset Management.

What kind of magazine is the National Enquirer?

National Enquirer, formerly (1926–57) New York Evening Enquirer, American weekly newspaper based in Boca Raton, Florida, and best known for its celebrity gossip, crime news, and investigative reporting.

Can you sue the sun?

Can you file a personal injury lawsuit against a sunscreen company if you get a sunburn? The answer is yes. When a sunscreen is defective and doesn’t deliver on its promise of protection, you can hold its manufacturer responsible.

Do newspapers get sued?

A newspaper that publishes false information about a person, for example, can be sued for libel. A television station similarly can be sued if it broadcasts a story that unlawfully invades a person’s privacy.

WHO publishes National Enquirer?

A360mediaNational Enquirer / Publisher

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